Once again, we’re proud to have won the prestigious Silver Dolphin Award at the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards 2015, this time for Best Tourism Film, with our Hong Kong Animation.
João Seabra interview for InvestHK
João Seabra was interviewed by InvestHK (Hong Kong Government)
João Seabra interview in IMW
João Seabra was interviewed by the tri-linguistic IMW.
Jump Start Magazine
João Seabra interviewed for the very cool Hong Kong magazine Jump Start.
Hoje Macau News
João Seabra and Jump Willy are news at Macau (China) newspaper “Hoje Macau” on the online and printed editions.
Caixa Magazine Interview
João Seabra interviewed for the Caixa Magazine.
Cannes – We won the Silver Dolphin!
We’ve just won the worldwide prestigious Silver Dolphin at the 2013 edition of Cannes Corporate with our project “Oliva Creative Factory”. Congratulations to all our team.
Público Interview
João Seabra is interviewed by the Portuguese national newspaper Público
We’ve launched our own game Mr. Walter to iPhone and iPad
Mr. Walter is our own new game, developed for mobile (iphone, ipad), and presents Mr. Walter, a lonely man looking for a home around the World, while flying is bicycle. Try it for free at …